Luni am fost programat pentru update la 2.4 si schimbarea bateriei. Desi era vorba sa fie gata in aceeasi zi, s-a prelungit pana pe marti la ora 10.
Seara am citit pe, un forum german, ca ar putea fi ceva probleme cu car2x, care nu se mai putea activa, motivele fiind:
1. the certificate was deleted during flashing/parameterization and the workshop did not notice the error memory entry. If the certificate error memory entry comes, commissioning must still be carried out. But that's no reason to worry - the certificate should be uploaded online within 2-3 days and car2x will work again.
2nd it is not a certificate error but the J666 (8107) was "killed" by the flash routine. CPU error in memory with message ecu defective. In this case, the ECU can no longer be addressed via DOIP. Therefore, car2x no longer works - not even after 2-3 days ----> change the ECU.
That was the reason why 2.4 was withdrawn 2 months ago, since the J666 was dismantled, so it should now appear rather seldom.
the support for the possible eventualities and problems that can occur with the 2.4 update has meanwhile shot action codes with which most problem cases can be solved.
Ce era mai rau nu sa confirmat, azi dimineata functionand din nou.
Ce este nou, descoperit pana acum:
masina a pierdut ceva setari, revenind inclusiv la limba romana, dar cu o alta tanti care vorbeste
notificarea cum ca nu am internet radio, nu am mai vazut-o pana acum
a disparut travel assist-ul care era activat prin OBDeleven
line assist chiar e mai cuminte, nu mai smuceste de volan, ca inainte