Si eu mi-am schimbat uleiul si filtrul la DSG singur, dar nu vad cum ar putea intra mai mult de 5 litri.
De altfel multe kituri aflate la vanzare vin direct cu doar 5 litri.
Si in videoul postat mai sus cu scoaterea filtrului fara baterie demontata, arata ca a scos 4.3litri din cutie.
Sau daca ai reusit sa bagi 6 litri, nu ti-a curs un litru inapoi afara cand ai facut nivelul?
Tot la acel video am remarcat un comentariu cu care sint de acord, e bine sa se evite masinile acelea automate care fac flash de ulei la cutie, desi VW recomanda doar schimbul gravitational:
"BTW, VW strictly prohibits the use of any fluid flushing machines on their products! One of the best dealership-level repair shops in Europe - Das Auto Service - has investigated this issue due to a rising number of questions from customers as to why they don;'t use any machines, but only use VAG 1924 and the other one for the multitronics. They got in contact with the manufacturers of most VW transmissions - ZF - and with VW of Austria and asked them why the service manuals have never allowed use of any service stations and why VW does not even have a service station for flushing. The answer from both places was that these machines highly overpressurize the transmissions' internals which may cause stuck armatures of the sift-solenoids, blown off seals and all sorts of other issues. Which is why ALL VW/AUDI transmissions are filled by using gravity fill method with VAG 1924."