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Se afişează conţinutul cel mai apreciat din 04.01.2022 în toate secţiunile

  1. Salutare! La mulți ani! Asa este, ne-am întâlnit, ne-am și salutat. Nimic nou sub soare, am trecut de 34.000 km, totul ok. Mă tot bate gândul la un stage 1, desi nu as avea neaparat nevoie de extra putere. Totuși, cuplul de 300 Nm îmi face cu ochiul… Am in plan trecerea la AID, modelul de stopuri cu semnalizarea dinamica montate pe faceliftul din 2021 sau panoul cu touch pentru clima. Crome delete pentru exterior ar mai fi o schimbare pe care o am in plan. Asadar, ușor-ușor vin si update-urile. Mii de kilometri fără probleme sa avem!
    2 points
  2. A ajuns si curierul.... cu vreo 3 ore mai devreme. Ce utila era masina in parcare ;))
    1 point
  3. Incepand de azi suntem si asigurati full casco la Allianz. Am in plan retrofit-ul unei camere de parbriz.. insa ma retine faptul ca trebuie schimbat si parbrizul.. deci asteptam sa cedeze asta
    1 point
  4. Sunt OK Generali? Mie mi s au parut foarte ieftini Allianz, in comparatie cu preturile Groupama... Later Edit Se pare ca am facut o afacere buna cu Allianz Mai jos este oferta de la Generali de pe site. Suma totala mai mica.. prima de asigurare mai mare.
    1 point
  5. La multi ani tuturor! Si un mic wrap up... Masina mai mult sta decat se misca, pentru ca lockdown + bebe...de azi maine 1 an in posesie si mai putini km decat in unele concedii din trecut 🙃 Am avut o iesire Cluj-Bistrita-Sighisoara-Cluj in care am mers pa regim de duba, portbagaj full pana la plafon, spate sotie+galusca, fata bagaje cu centuri, is ferm convins ca logistica va deveni mai usoara o data ce mai crestem, sper 🤣, dar ajungi la consumuri interesante Oricum, fata de anul trecut, aceeasi configuratie a urcat nu mai putin de 8.000€, cred ca a innebunit de tot lupul... Si sa las un aspect de final, deja mi sa intamplat de 3 ori ca la pornire sa nu ma pot folosi deloc de Infotainment, masina ramane intrun loop de incarcare a profilului si la iesire iti zice pa personalizat Aspect care isi revine doar cu ceva pauza, repornirea infotainmentului sau oprire pornire agregat la mine nu isi revine, sa speram ca e un known error si nu voi beneficia de acest aspect la drum lung. Pana una alta, drumuri bune si sa speram la un an mai normal pentru timpurile in care traim, mergem inainte ca inainte era mai bine🍻
    1 point
  6. Cam putine update-uri in ultima vreme cred ca ne-am intalnit in trafic in decembrie in drum spre Buzau sau ceva de genu :-? La multi ani !
    1 point
  7. Cateva poze din minivacanta de sarbatori. Detailling maniacs look away Prins si un pic de zapada sa testam Haldex-ul - nu ca pe asfalt nu as fi facut asta ...
    1 point
  8. Sa presupunem ca vreau sa-mi schimb masina actuala si ma bate gandul sa trec la o electrica. Niste calcule simple : https://www.e-charge.ro/ev-driver 1.95 lei / kw Daca 1kw costa momentan 1.95 lei (pret in crestere) si o electrica consuma aprox 30 kw/100 km (iarna) ,asta inseamna 60 lei/100 km echivalentul la aprox 10 L carburant. Ma poate lamuri cineva de ce as da +30.000€ pe o masina care : consuma mult ,are autonomie mica si nu prea am unde sa o incarc ? Nu sunt contra electrice,imi place tehnologia,sigur asta e viitorul dar .....momentan pare mai mult un moft ,un produs de lux,sau sa fie ca a2a masina. Nu incepeti cu ecologia, ca nu autoturismele persoanelor fizice stau la baza poluarii.
    1 point
  9. Eu folosesc de cativa ani buni acest model si sunt foarte multumit de el , se gaseste intr-o multitudine de forme de prindere .
    1 point
  10. Acea frezare se numeste mill balancing. Prin acea eliminare de material se echilibreaza discul. Doamne fereste sa tii discul pana ajunge uzura la acea frezare.
    1 point
  11. Codari pentru Tiguan AD1 cu VCDS (si OBDeleven) Nota 1: NU incercati codarile decat daca ati mai lucrat cu VCDS - Riscul e sa stricati codarea modulelor si sa nu mai mearga diverse functii. Nota 2: Unele denumiri ale functiilor sau pasilor pot avea mici modificari Necesar: VCDS si computer ( Eu folosesc 18.9) sau OBDELEVEN Experienta cu VCDS/OBDeleven Testate de mine Adaugare 10 culori pe AID si Infotainment Change color of multimedia and active info display [VN]_Interior_light_2nd_generation: [LO]_Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig: [VN]_active [VN]_Interior_light_lamp_configuration: [LO]_Ambient_Farbliste_HMI: [VN]_active [VN]_Ambience_lightning_color_listr Ambientelicht Farbliste You can make your own list, it is RGB in dec format [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 1:217 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 1:221 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 1:235 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 2:169 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 2:169 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 2:169 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 3:253 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 3:108 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 3:55 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 4:242 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 4:0 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 4:40 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 5:254 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 5:88 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 5:240 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 6:124 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 6:63 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 6:190 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 7:0 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 7:102 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 7:255 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 8:0 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 8:204 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 8:255 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 9:0 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 9:204 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 9:0 [LO]_Rotwert Farbe 10:136 [LO]_Gruenwert Farbe 10:255 [LO]_Blauwert Farbe 10:57 Add Gold Dots Interface on AID (between 2 big instruments) These instructions are using OBDEleven but can also be achieved using VCDS as well. Go to Module 17 - Dash Board (Instruments) In Adaptation search for Display depiction Within this there are 4 Versions available. Pick Version 3 for Gold Dots skin The default is Version 1 and as far as I can tell Version 2 is identical. Version 4 is a minimalistic version of V1 and V2 Direct Acceleration - Throttle response With this mod, you can change the behaviour of the accelerator. Option B provides a more linear acceleration without sudden deliveries. 1. Module 44 - Power Steering - Security Code (Code 19249) 2. Adaptation 3. Select - switching driving profile Choices: A - Gradual, controlled by time B - Directly controlled threshold value Lock car with engine running This function is enabled via an adaptation channel change as follows: For older BCMs, IDE05142-ENG115754-Access control-Funk bei Klemme 15 ein > active For newer BCMs ENG141651-ENG115754-ZV allgemein-Funk bei Klemme 15 ein > active ( Potrivit pt Tiguan AD1) Dynamic start-up assistant ( Only DSG) Adaptation of the dynamic start-up assistant In the brake electronics control unit, you have the option of adjusting the dynamic approach assistants on the VW Tiguan 2 AD and installed automatic transmission (dual-clutch transmission). The starting behavior can thus be changed accordingly. As the factory-delivered dynamic starting assistant with the setting normally relatively late releases the brake, each time a significant jerking is noticeable, which causes an overall poor starting behavior of the vehicle. If you change the setting to early, it will keep the start assistant (and thus the braking intervention) of the approach assistant minimized and you will not feel annoying anymore and will be able to drive gently - as it should. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 03 (brake electronics) STG adaptation -> function 10 Select dynamic approach assistant Adjust value accordingly (default value: normal) Early brake releases quickly and hardly requires any gas (starting jerking is no longer noticeable) Normal factory standard (noticeable jerk at start up) Late brake releases late and only with a relatively large amount of gas (strong jerking during acceleration) start-up) I prefer the early brake release, feels smoother than in normal mode Automatic Window Closing in Rain Go into Module 09 Central Electronics, Go into Security, use 3134 as the security code. Select Adaptations, and then ZV Komfort Select Regenschliessen_ain_aus, toggle to Active. The default is "not active" Then select Regenschliessen_art, toggle to Active. The default is "not active" Finally select Menusteuerung Regenschliessen, toggle to Active. The default is "not active" This enables Automatic closing in rain as a menu option under Window Operation Adjusting Cornering Fog Light Sensitivity (Speed Threshold) Select Control unit 09 (Central Electrics) Security access Security Code 31347 Adaptation (3) Static cornering light lower speed threshold New Value=0 (4) Static cornering light upper speed threshold New Value=50 Keep air-recirculation memory setting after contact off 08 Auto HVAC Long coding Byte 4 Bit 4-5 use drop down box and select “10 Recirculation Air settings (after ignition cycle) stored Enable/Disable Daytime Running Lights in Discovery Head Unit Go into Module 09 Central Electronics Select Adaptations, then Aussenlicht Front SelectTagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich Set value to Active. The default is "not active" Click on accept, and enter 31347 as the security code. From the Discovery head unit, select Car, then Setup Select Light, and you should see Daytime Running Light as an option Note, with this change, you turn on the DRL from the Discovery Media, not from the light switch. The light switch can be set to 0 and the DRL will still be controlled from the head unit. Adaptive Lane Guidance Go into Module A5 Front Sensors Driver Assistance System Select Coding, and change Point of Intervention to Early (Setting Via Menu) Click on "Accept", and use 20103 as the security access code. This enables Adaptive Lane Guidance as a menu option under Driver Assistance - Lane Assist. I have tested the difference between lane assist and ALG. LA bounces between the lane markings whereas ALG will more or less keep it in the centre. If you start drifting it will nudge it back. This works only above 65 kph. The AID will show when it is working. It works quite well with ACC. Enable Refuel Quantity as Driving Data Option in AID Go into Module 17 Instruments Coding, select Byte 10 and activate Bit 4. The number is from 5 to 5 litres ( 10,15,20,25,etc) Changing "blink" number on comfort blinkers: Module 09 -> Security Access -> Adaptation -> select "Turn Signal Controls-Komfortblinken Blinkzykien" -> change between 1 and 5 Once the adjustment has been made, the menu item Factory setting -> Light must be executed in the vehicle settings Dashboard Interface for GTI/R on AID Go to Instruments (17) - Adaptation - Tube_version (all the way at the bottom on the list) Variant_2 is the default Variant_3 is the GTI Variant_4 is the R Lap Timer and Gauge Test/ Needle Sweep (Staging) Go to 17 Instrument Staging Coding - Long Coding helper Check Byte1 Bit0 for Gauge Test/Needle Sweep (Staging) Check Byte1 Bit3 for Lap Timer Driving School mode Controller 5F- Infotainment 10- Adaptations Select Vehicle function list CAN-Driving_school (it's about 40% down the channel list) - change to “Available” Select Vehicle menu operation-menu_ display_ driving_ school (it's about 75% down the channel list) - change to “activated” Select Vehicle menu operation-menu _display _driving _school _over _threshold _high (it's about 75% down the channel list) - change to “activated” Driving School Mode can be accessed as follows: Press "CAR" Press "view" on the bottom LHS of the screen Select "driving data" option from the list Repeatedly press either the "<" or ">" symbols until the "Driving school mode" screen appears.. You might try resetting the MIB unit - with the unit switched-on, press the ON/OFF button until the MIB switches off and keep holding the button down until it switches on again. Keep Heated Seats settings after contact off In the climate control unit you have the option of the VW Tiguan II AD to save the last set seat heating level. Thus, after restarting the vehicle, the previously set level is automatically reset. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 08 (climate) STG adaptation -> function 10 Channel Storing the seat heating level Select driver Adjust value to active (default value: not active) Select channel storage of passenger seat heating level Adjust value to active (default value: not active) Automatic closing, locking, locking the vehicle (merge, dar nu l-am lasat activ) In the control unit of the access and start authorization, you have the option on the VW Tiguan 2 AD if the KESSY system is installed to have the vehicle locked automatically as soon as you leave it with the key. Unfortunately, the function of the outside mirror overlap is not activated and must be done manually if necessary via the key. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 05 (access / start authorization) STG access authorization -> function 16 Deposit login code 20103 STG Long Coding -> Function 07 Bye 2 Activate bit 4 STG adaptation -> function 10 Select channel byte1 - passive_exit_door_slam_lock Deactivation of the warning tones / beeps with the tailgate control installed In the tailgate control unit, you have the option to deactivate the warning tone / signal tone when closing the tailgate of the VW Tiguan 2 AD. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 6D (tailgate) STG access authorization -> function 16 Enter code: 12345 STG adaptation -> function 10 Enable Channel (6) Equip Activate Sounds Set channel to inactive Deactivation of the message / continuous tone at ignition on In the dash panel insert (KI), you have the option to deactivate the message on ignition on the VW Tiguan 2 AD. Thus we deactivated the annoying continuous tone with switched on ignition and opened driver's door. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 17 (dash panel insert) STG adaptation -> function 10 Ignition active message; trigger change to "no display" (default value: driver's door) Netestate inca de mine Deactivate Seat Belt reminder in the Virtual Cockpit In the dash panel insert (KI), you have the option of the new VW Tiguan 2 AD disable the Seat belt reminder with installed Virtual Cockpit or Active Info Display (AID) and the conventional instrument cluster with hardware Skalenu. The visual and acoustic display in the instrument cluster or in the virtual cockpit is switched off. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 17 (dash panel insert) STG coding -> function 07 Byte 0 Disable bit 2 Enable Rear DRL This works on the LED Lights that come with the NZ R-Lines, not sure if it works with any other type of rear lights. Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 - Lichtfunktion B 16 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: Parklicht rechts) Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 - Lichtfunktion B 17 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re)) Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte23SL HLC10 - Lichtfunktion B 23 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re)) Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte24SL HRA65 - Lichtfunktion B 24 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: Parklicht rechts) There is option in there to adjust the brightness as well however I haven't changed this setting as it will potentially make the park lights too bright at night time. Enable Dynamic Road Sign Display Go into Module 5F Information Electronics Select Adaptations, then Vehicle_Functions_List_BAP_Gen2 Select menu_display_road_sign_identification_0x21, and set to Enabled Select Adaptions, Vehicle_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu Select menu_display_road_sign_identification, set to Enabled Select Coding, and then select Byte 24, activate Bit 6 Go into Module A5 - Front Sensor Driver Assistance Select Coding, and then select Byte 16, activate Bit 4 Go into Module 17 Instruments Select Coding, then Byte 5, active bit 2 Go back into Module A5 - Front Sensor Driver Assistance Select Adaptations, then Road sign detection fusion mode, and change to Road Sign Detection. The original is Road Sign Fusion Reboot the infotainment unit Easy Entry/Easy Exit function Also if anyone is interested I found that if you have electronic seats: Seat Adjustment Driver Side (36) - Coding - Easy_Entry_front - Change to Active Haldex All-Wheel-Drive Adjust Traction Reports indicate that changing this setting to ‘Increased Traction’ improves the handling and makes the car feel like a permanent AWD system. Select AWD Control Unit Adaptation Logic Choose from ‘Standard, Increased Traction, Less Noise’ Closing Windows When Ignition Off Allows you to operate all windows after the ignition has been switched off and doors opened. Select Control unit 09 (Central Electrics) Security access Access Code 31347 Adaptation (13) – Zugangskontrolle 2 released trailing FH cancel at Tueroeffnen Value = Aktif Display of the fan speed in the AUTO mode of the air conditioning system (la mine nu gasesc Bit 6) In the climate control unit, you have the option of the VW Tiguan 2 AD to enable the display of the fan speed in AUTO mode. After activation, the current blower level in AUTO mode is displayed using the LED display. (By default, the LED indicator is only displayed when manually setting the fan speed) The following coding is to be used: Select STG 08 (climate) STG Long Coding -> Function 07 Byte 11 Bit 6 - Activate Blower Status Display in AUTO-mode active Deactivation of the warning message Switch on dipped beam In the onboard power supply control unit, you have the option to deactivate the warning message / dialog for reminding the Taillight on the VW Tiguan 2 AD. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 09 (vehicle electrical system) STG access authorization -> function 16 Enter release code 31347 STG adaptation -> function 10 Select Driving Light_Note_Config Adjust value to inactive Customize the launch logo in Discover Pro With the VW Tiguan 2 AD and the built-in navigation system Discover Pro you have the possibility to customize the start logo. The boot logo or welcome logo is displayed when the navigation system starts and displayed as R / Hybrid model depending on the setting. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 5F (Infotainment) STG Long Coding -> Function 07 Byte 18 Adjust value accordingly 00 = highline 01 = Hybrid (enable bit 0) 04 = BlueMotion (activate bit 2) 06 = R-Line (activate bit 1, 2) 07 = R (activate bit 0, 1, 2) Sunroof (SAD) - panoramic roof Activate comfort opening via key In the onboard power supply control unit you have the option of the VW Tiguan 2 AD the possibility of the built-in panoramic glass roof (sunroof - SAD) automatically when you press and hold the remote control on the unlock button in addition to the opening windows open. When locking the vehicle, the panoramic sunroof is closed together with the windows. Should the convenience function of opening and closing be deactivated during a service action by the dealer, this can be restored. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 09 (vehicle electrical system) STG access authorization -> function 16 Enter access code 31347 STG adaptation -> function 10 Select channel (10) access control 2-SAD Comfort Close Set value to active Channel (11) access control 2-SAD Open comfort Set value to active Delayed response of the headlamp cleaning system for the front washing system In the on-board power supply control unit, you have the option of extending the delay time on the VW Tiguan 2 AD to activate the headlight cleaning system. Thus, the front washing system of the headlight is activated later and thus wiping water saved. The following coding is to be used: Select STG 09 (vehicle electrical system) STG access authorization -> function 16 Enter release code 31347 STG adaptation -> function 10 (2) Windshield Wiper SRA Select delay time Adjust value as required Default value: 0 ms Example value : 1500 ms Video in Motion a) din ce am gasit, nevoie de un nou dispozitiv , numit VCP ( asemanator cu VCDS) pentru a putea fi schimbata viteza la care sa se dezactiveeze VIM ( default e la 3km/h) b) o posibilitate pentru a aveau VIM e sa folositi Mirrorlink si tutorialul de aici Enjoy si spor la codari! @vdragos ar merge postul sa fie sticky.
    1 point
  12. 1. AA nu, @sabinx are ceva in lucru 2. imi era emagu dator cu 250 de lei, am luat-o de la ei. Fix 24h a durat livrarea
    0 points
  13. Polish pentru sticla cu oxid de ceriu (carpro ceriglass, SONAX PROFILINE GLASS POLISH). Eu inlatur tratamentul hidrofob cu Meguiar's Perfect Clarity Glass Polishing, dar nu e ceramic e fusso ultra glaco.
    0 points
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