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Noutati VAG ( Volkswagen,Audi,Seat,Skoda,Porsche etc.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Care va concura cu cele 20+ masini chinezesti ce vor inunda fiecare segment de piata an de an.

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VW e pe nicaieri cu modelele electrice. Nimic notabil sau dezirabil, calitate slaba pe multi bani.

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VW a luat decizii idioate lansand ID3-7 in loc sa fi inceput cu un astfel de ID2 de ex (sau cel mult acesta trebuia sa fie aici astazi). Este pe nicaieri cu minunata electrificare si actualele masini, nici gand sa fie la nivelul Tesla care astazi mie (care nu sunt mare fan electrice) imi pare ca nu are rival,  cu preturi exorbitante raportate la (mai nou) o calitate sensibil sub ce livrau inainte. Eu astazi nu cred ca am un model VW pe care sa il apreciez in mod deosebit. Raman "clasicele" Polo/Golf/Passat cu bubele aferente noilor vremuri, pe partea electrica nu mi-as lua nimic de la ei. 

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Eu nu as lua nimic electric si sper sa nu ni le bage pe gat cu forta astia cu ecologismul.

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In Germania au lasat-o mai moale cu electricele, mai ales dupa ce statul a decis sa nu mai ofere ajutor financiar la achizitie. Producatorii ofera discounturi incercand sa compenseze.  Iar normele euro 7 vor fi ceva mai blande, ca sa nu se tensioneze situatia. Deci fara stres pentru termice. Intre timp poate vedem si ceva combustibili sintetici...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Articole la comanda...Degeaba va fi ID-2 "cel mai tare din parcare". Pana apare, parcarea va fi plina si ID-2 nu va mai apuca probabil nici loc la handicapati.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Si a pornit si productia de Kodiaq ...astept cu nerabdare vreun coleg sa ne-o prezinte 😍

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  • 2 weeks later...

Incet, incetisor, modelele VAG mai interesante incep sa vina din China.

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Totusi, de retinut concluziile de la final. Pare o solutie OK pentru VW, dar eu unul, tot Tesla probabil cs considera-o a fi optiunea nr 1 pentru mine, printre electrice.


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Golf I and the EA 276 concept car




The Golf, the icon: the most-built Volkswagen is celebrating its 50th birthday this year. To kick off the anniversary year, the Golf I and one of its predecessors from 1969 can be seen at the Bremen Classic Motorshow (Germany). The Golf has moved and impressed the masses since 1974. And with every generation, the compact car has revolutionised and democratised the automotive world.

it was no longer cooled with air and it was no longer a boxer. A new era started with the first Golf. And the technical change was also accompanied by a change in the visual concept. “The Golf offers maximum usable space and safety. It is uncompromisingly practical,” is how the company described it at the time. And so the year in which Germany won the World Cup in football became the year for the most-built Volkswagen of the future. Just two years later, the first million units had already been sold, and more than 37 million units have now been delivered worldwide.

The Golf would and had to continue its success story. But in 1974, nobody knew that its success would be much greater than that of the Beetle. Over the years, the Golf became almost imperceptibly part of our society, synonymous with a vehicle class and even an entire generation. And everyone has probably had their own personal experience with the Golf: as a driving school car, as an own new or used car, with relatives or friends, with two or four doors, as a petrol or diesel model, GTI or ‘strawberry basket’. Somewhere there always was and still is a Golf.


The heart of the Volkswagen brand

However, when series production of the Golf I started at the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg 50 years ago – in March 1974 – this success was far from guaranteed. Because as the successor to the Volkswagen Beetle, it followed in giant footsteps. The Beetle, the icon, had laid the foundation for Volkswagen’s worldwide success. But the new model from Wolfsburg was also very popular and quickly became a bestseller.

In the subsequent model generations, it was always the Golf that made affordable mobility possible for everyone at the highest technical level. It came with technology such as the controlled catalytic converter and efficient drive systems, and additionally offered safety features such as the anti-lock braking system, airbags or the first all-wheel drive system in the product line. The secret of the success is also down to the fact that the designers transferred the first generation’s DNA to its successors, thereby cultivating the classic design.


Development of a new bestseller

Work on a successor to the Volkswagen Beetle had already begun in Wolfsburg in the late 1960s. Several concept vehicles were created, including the EA (development order) 276. The EA 276 from 1969 already exhibited many features of the later successful model such as front engine, hatchback with large boot lid and torsion beam axle. But under the bonnet was still the well-known Beetle boxer engine with air cooling, and the focus was on reliability and low development costs. However, the days of this technology were coming to an end. The design of the EA 276 was pioneering, but another concept vehicle was developed further for series production. The new model was designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro (Italdesign).


Rare exhibition duo at the Bremen Classic Motorshow

To mark the start the anniversary year, the Volkswagen brand is presenting the Golf I in Bremen, thus recalling the beginning of the automotive revolution in 1974. The appearance at the motor show is complemented by the unique EA 276 concept vehicle – the predecessor to the Golf that was developed in Wolfsburg. The bright yellow production Golf and the orange-red concept vehicle can be seen at Stand D10 in Hall 5 from 2 to 4 February.

Volkswagen Classic is present at the show together with the Autostadt Wolfsburg, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Oldtimers and Audi Tradition, who will also make it possible for visitors to experience automotive history.

The Bremen Classic Motorshow has been opening the season of classic vehicle shows in Germany for over 20 years. With over 46,000 visitors, it is a firm fixture in the event calendar of classic car enthusiasts.

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  • 1 month later...

"Neamurile" ce ies deja din aceeasi fabrica:




Ca fapt divers, nu stiu zau de unde vine mania asta la Skoda, de a pune microfibra cam prea pe unde nu trebuie. Adica pe bord, pe consola unde iti proptesti genunchii, treaca-mearga, dar pe manerele de la usi ? Jesus ! Nu mi se pare deloc "Simply clever". O sa fie simply dirty tot timpul. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Asta e un fel de Insta vs Reality...comparand cu cel visiniu de prin clipurile de prezentare. Zici ca e alta masina🤦‍♂️

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Culoarea face mult pe o masina. Vezi VW Scirocco 3 in tot ce e de prezentare oficiala (foto/video) a fost culoarea sepia green sau alb. Iar masinile inchise la culoare (dar mai ales pe cele negrese ) pierdeau mult din liniile frumoase ale designului.

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  • 2 months later...



"The future is electric, but the past is not over." Arno Antlitz, Volkswagen Group's chief operating and financial officer


Un fel de "Trecutul continuă în prezent și poate chiar în viitor" :))

Era și timpul să facă miscarea asta, se sugrumau singuri.

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Cand au vazut ca nu vand (mai) nimic, au inceput sa se suceasca. Penibilul este la cote inalte..


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