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Codari Vag-Com Skoda

Al Bundy

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va rog sa-mi spune-ti daca cornering funct.si pe semnalizare cu faza scurta aprinsa ?

mai am vazut ceva=cheia scoasa din contact,buton lumini pe zero=dau flash si imi ramane faza scurta aprinsa iar dupace inchid usa se sting dupa~7sec

daca nu inchid usa raman aprinse.Oare ce sa fie ?

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Nu stim, dar pana nu pui printscreenuri cu bitii de la CH/LH si cornering nu putem sa te ajutam.

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Geocos ala este Coming Home versiunea cea veche,"old style".Corneringul merge si pe semnalizari,insa probabil este codat gresit.Mai bine ne scrii aici codingul de la modulul 09-Cent Elect(numarl acela de vreo 60 litere/cifre.

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Este vorba de Byte 12 bit 2 Coming Home mode manual.Ce este foarte ciudat la masina asta ca nu se activeaza functia de cornering in momentul in care se da semnal stanga sau dreapta :) Ii dau eu de cap pana la urma.

Modificat de tutu0581
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Incearca sa bifezi si Byte 12 bit 4,poate asa merge si pe semnalizare.

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Este bifat dar nu functioneaza.Mai era pe undeva un bit pt cornering,nu byte 14 bit 7 dar nu imi aduc aminte unde :) .Am sters documentul unde aveam salvati byte BCM-ului.

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Ai rezolvat-o cu CH/LH? m-am chinuit si eu la un G6 si tot la fel face.

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Dar nu-i totusi cam ciudat sa se aprinda proiectorul la orice depasire?

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Se aprind doar la viteze de pana la 40km/h,idem ca la viraje stanga-dreapta.

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Este bifat dar nu functioneaza.Mai era pe undeva un bit pt cornering,nu byte 14 bit 7 dar nu imi aduc aminte unde :banghead: .Am sters documentul unde aveam salvati byte BCM-ului.

Incercat azi cateva codari pe o O2FL. Cred ca de acum inainte s-au cam limitat activarile ce se pot face after:

Nu merge CH/LH automat, trebuie senzor de lumini, merge doar acel CH manual. La activare cornering nu merge daca se semnalizeza, la fel am patit pe un G6, in schimb a mers Stagingul.

Modificat de Al Bundy
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  • 3 weeks later...

:icon_thumright: (but I think you will forgive me...)

Hello to all fellow Skoda owners!

I am John and I am from Greece.

Sorry about the city displayed in my profile. I had to choose something...

Unfortunately, I don't speak (or read) Romanian. You can understand that trying to go through all the pages of this topic using Google Translation was (and still is) a pain in the... behind.

Al Bundy already has my comments/verifications/questions on VCDS tips for the FL. I hope he lets you know soon. :rolleyes:

Thank you all for your posts. They've been very inspirational to me.

Have fun!

Modificat de john.gr
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Acesta este mesajul de la el.

OK, here we go...

In attached file "jboom_20100207_AutoScan.txt" you can find an AutoScan of my car. I used a genuine Ross-Tech cable in February, but it was not mine. I have a clone Chinese cable that only works with 805.0, and I can't access controllers 08 and 17 with it.

I'm also attaching a Word document (O2FL Coding.doc, in O2FL Coding.zip) with info/comments/questions. That's the important one. Please respond in there.

It's a lot of information and I have a lot of questions. Take your time.

(When it comes to informing your members about the school driving function on Swing, don't take your time at all!!! Post it right away and let them enjoy!)

Thanks again for your concern. I hope all you guys there enjoy your Skodas as much as I do mine.

I'm waiting for your answers.




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I have not yet gone to the local Skoda representative for

Modificat de Al Bundy
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I have not yet gone to the local Skoda representative for "upgrading" my software in order to show "Shift recommendation for changing gears" in the MaxiDOT (ECO driving). And I don't yet have "Oil Temperature" showing in my MaxiDOT (the same "upgrade" does that too).

Deci, e cineva care sa ne lamureasca de acest upgrade?

"Automatic CH (old mode)" and "Leaving Home" both require a Rain-Light sensor (RLS) and an AUTO light switch. Otherwise, they do not work, even though they appear as items in the MaxiDOT.

Deci s-a terminat cu activarea la masinile care nu au RLS.

I really can't understand what Al Bundy wrote. Google translation did not help me...

@Al Bundy: If there was a question for me in your post, please post in English. Thank you.

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Publicat (modificat)

No, the questions about passage from your message are for my romanian friends. For you I will write in both languages.


So, is someone who knows more about this update?


No more automatic CH/LH activation for car who doesn't have RLS.

Modificat de Al Bundy
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John, thank you for the tip how to set Swing for showing the speed. I have just tested and it works. I don't know yet if it is the real speed or the "instruments" speed, but I will test and let you know.

I don't have answer for all your questions, this is what I know, I hope it helps.

What is

Modificat de chr
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chr, thank you for your reply!

@all members:

Please forgive me if this question has been answered again. If it has, I missed it...

"Activation of both rear for lights" is still missing in 09 VCDS settings for the FL. OK, I know that...

However, I'm not really sure if I have an actual second rear fog lamp. Never checked to see if there is a lamp inside the O2FL.

Have you guys confirmed there is a second lamp installed?

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In my opinion it should be. It is useful when driving on left side (Cipru, UK). But I can't confirm.

About drive school speed on radio, on my car it's usually 2 km/h (sometimes 1km/h) more than what is displayed on maxi-dot. Just tested, up to 160km/h.

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Regarding second bulb fog light, yes, is fitted on the car, and previously version have this bulb, and I can activated.

In left side is twin filament bulb, but thin filament isn't used, for parking light thick filament is powered by 5V and for fog light the same thick filament is powered by 12V, so , same twin filament bulb is fitted on right side, thin is not used and thick must be powered from 12V for fog light.


I tested school function in my Bolero HU but dosn't working , I used same button combination like Stream.

Modificat de Al Bundy
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Deci, e cineva care sa ne lamureasca de acest upgrade?

So, is someone who knows more about this update?


I'm probably off-topic here, but since you asked...

(In case this post belongs to a different topic, please move it accordingly)

Skoda issued a pdf (11/2009) titled

"Skoda Octavia, SUPPLEMENT TO THE OWNER'S MANUAL, Technical Changes 11/2009":

Direct skoda-auto.com link for A5FL_Octavia_TechnicalChange.pdf

For SkyDrive pdf link click here

From this document:

Driving in an economical and environmentally conscious manner

(Figure 6 removed)

Shift recommendation for changing gears*

On certain vehicles, the currently engaged gear (A)->fig. 6 is shown in the display of the instrument cluster.

In order to minimise the fuel consumption, a recommendation for shifting into another gear is indicated in the display.

If the control unit recognises that it is appropriate to change the gear, an arrow is shown in the display. The arrow points up or down, depending on whether it is recommended to shift into a higher or lower gear.

At the same time, the recommended gear is indicated instead of the currently engaged gear (A).

As far as the update process itself is concerned, a friend of mine (owner of a Skoda Octavia Scout FL -Combi 4x4- 1.8TSI) said:

I went to the local Skoda representative. He plugged the cable on the car and the diagnostic tool communicated directly with the Czechs. I know this because I asked him "what happens if we break the connection?", and he replied "you take a taxi to go back to your home"...

The Czech system asked for the VIN, and the data transfer was successfully completed.

The only change my friend noticed at first was that "time in MFD has shifted to the left to make room for the shift recommendation feature".

Later, he noticed that he could display Oil Temperature on the MFD, and he can select/de-select its display from the "MFD Data" menu option.

My car, bought July 2009, has no update yet applied. It will probably get it when I take it in for the yearly check. Generally, as reported by other owners, when you take the car to service, they apply any available updates without even informing you. It is probably a standard procedure that includes bug-fixes, newer applicable versions for your controllers, "hot-fixes", additions according to new regulations, etc.

A couple of owners have reported that "the car feels better after the update", but that's probably similar to the "freshly-washed effect" (you feel like you have gained at least 10 bhp when you have just washed you car :D )...

In the attachment, you will find an AutoScan from my friend's car after the update.

You can notice the "Revision" part in module 01 (Engine). I don't have his AutoScan before the update, but I'm sure it showed a different revision code.


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I tried all the different unknown bits between my car and your friend's car.Only on 09 module(Cent Elect).Still no gear-shift-recommendation and no oil temperature.

His car has this bits and mine doesn't:

Byte 21-bit0

Byte 25-bit2

My car has this bits but the other one doesn't:

Byte 1-bit0,bit7

Byte 4-bit3

Byte 15-bit7

Byte 17-bit0

Byte 18-bit0,bit1,bit3,bit4

In conclusion,I guess these options can only be activated by an update.

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Publicat (modificat)

I think that software update must be done to the 17 - Instruments.

I went to the local Skoda representative. He plugged the cable on the car and the diagnostic tool communicated directly with the Czechs. I know this because I asked him "what happens if we break the connection?", and he replied "you take a taxi to go back to your home"...

The Czech system asked for the VIN, and the data transfer was successfully completed

Do you (or him ) know the number of action or the name?

Modificat de Al Bundy
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I tried all the different unknown bits between my car and your friend's car.Only on 09 module(Cent Elect).Still no gear-shift-recommendation and no oil temperature.


In conclusion,I guess these options can only be activated by an update.

You didn't really have to do that... It IS a feature of the new software.

In order to be "technically accurate" let me explain (not to you; you probably know that already):

Every controller has specific (fixed) hardware ("H/W" in AutoScan) and some software ("S/W", "Revision", etc).

You can only change the hardware by (duh!) physically replacing the controller...

The software, on the other hand, contains the "commands" that do certain things (for example, display the time or display the DRL menu). These "certain things" may or may not be subject to software "options". Software options refer to enabling or disabling something that a specific software version is already able to do when it runs on specific hardware, and the user opted to let the software do it or not.

Using VCDS, we do not change the software; we simply change the options of the software. For example, our software was able to display the DRL menu but it didn't, because we (or the guys at the factory) opted to suppress this software ability by setting different options (Byte 15, bit 7), NOT different software.

When the update occurs, new software starts running. New abilities (such as Display of Oil Temperature) are there. Some of these new abilities may have options, others may not.

I don't know if the new software has an option to disable the Shift Recommendation. It is certainly not worth trying to find such an option on a software version that does not have the ability for Shift Recommendation... Just compare your software versions against software versions found in AutoScans from owners who have confirmed they have this feature.

I think that software update must be done to the 17 - Instruments.

Do you (or him ) know the number of action or the name?

I didn't say the update is made on 09 only. I'm not sure the diagnostic tool of the authorized Skoda dealers can do that. Well, it probably can, but Skoda didn't tell them how to do it...

They just plug the car and ask for updates. The diagnostic tool updates ANY controllers the Skoda factory tells it to update. That's all.

No, we don't have a "name" or "action number". I'm pretty sure these things constantly change.

You simply go to an authorized Skoda service and ask them to "apply any new updates". That's what my friend and several others did.

However, I repeat that most owners are not really asked or are not really interested. They took the car in for something like an oil change and they left having Shift Recommendation.

I guess we don't have a say in such updates... We're gonna get them anyway...

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Concerning the "DRL Dimming" Byte (24), I would like to share some thoughts with you...

Here's an AutoScan from a Skoda Octavia II RS FL in the attached txt file (original coding):


As you know, O2RSFL has special LEDs for DRL. These LEDs light at full intensity when the lights are off. When you switch to Low-Beam, these LEDs remain lit, but at a lower intensity.

Byte 24 from such a car has the value of E4 (hex). This means 11100100 in binary (228 decimal).

Bits 0-6 are 1100100 (64 hex, 100 decimal). This is consistent with the DRL behavior (LEDs at 100% intensity).

However, why is bit 7 set? Bit 7 makes the total 8-bit decimal value 228.

So, I'm assuming that only bits 0-6 are part of the "DRL Dimming" thingie. Bit 7 has to be a separate coding option...

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Publicat (modificat)
In the attachment, you will find an AutoScan from my friend's car after the update.

You can notice the "Revision" part in module 01 (Engine). I don't have his AutoScan before the update, but I'm sure it showed a different revision code.

Yes, but the important part, 17-Instrument doesn't appear in that autoscan. I belive that the oil temperature and gear shift recomanadation update was make in this module.

Here's an AutoScan from a Skoda Octavia II RS FL in the attached txt file (original coding):


That O2FL Scout have this update made of?

Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels: 5K0-920-xxx-17.clb

Part No SW: 1Z0 920 803 C HW: 1Z0 920 803 C

Component: KOMBI H21 0110

Serial number: 00000000000000

Coding: 110B00

Shop #: WSC 73430 031 00999

No fault code found.

That is software version in what we are interested.

Modificat de Al Bundy
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