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Noutati VAG ( Volkswagen,Audi,Seat,Skoda,Porsche etc.)


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Decizii soc referitoare la generatia a 6-a a Golf-ului, cea mai dezamagitoare zic eu, renuntarea la suspensia spate actuala (tip multilink) in favoarea uneia mai simplista (nu e specificat exact tipul) :icon_cool:

New details about Mk. VI Golf


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Da ... reducerea costurilor ... ar ajunge sa reduca siguranta activa printr-o asemenea masura, deteriorand simtitor tinuta de drum mai ales pe virajele cu carosabil denivelat din RO.

Oricum in opinia unor forumisti suspensia spate multilink nu constituie un progres si GIV era mai bun ... deci vor fi si oameni multumiti ... :icon_cool:

Back on news:

Thoroughly Toxic Porsche Cayman


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Imagini promitatoare ... un link se poate ?

Nu mai inteleg nimic, odata zice ceva de Octavia-Long apoi ajunge la "The new Superb"...

Dupa parerea mea tot a "Stretch-O2" arata!

Modificat de O2Driver
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Octavia alungita de mai sus este un "mule", folosit pentru a testa sasiul alungit al noului Superb, care Superb am vazut in mare cum va arata in acele poze "scapate" din fabrica. ;)

MT gets hold of first Mk. VI Golf spyshot




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Da asa este, imi amintesc acum de acest test mule pentru un nou Superb ... l-am vazut in fotografii cu mult timo in urma.

In ceea ce priveste Golful VI sper sa aiba totusi suspensia spate multilink ... altfel va trebui sa raman cu actualul Golf pana la generatia a VII-a ... :lol:

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Adevarat ceea ce spui razdan, oricat de buna ar fi si o reintroducere a suspensiei de pe Golf IV, totusi nu se poate compara cu multilink-ul :lol:

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Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:34:06 +0100 [06:34:06 AM EEST]

From: newsletters@automotiveworld.com


Audi made a big show of its commitment to manufacturing in Brussels last week with the launch of A3 production. The Belgian prime minister was brought in to attend a ceremony at the facility formerly run by Volkswagen, and three A3 models were displayed, each painted in one of the colours of the country's flag (black, yellow and red).

The OEM must have thought such a symbolic gesture was needed following the recent troubles at the facility. Beginning late last year, workers at the plant held strikes following Volkswagen's call for labour changes and plans to slash thousands of jobs. The two sides were unable to come to any agreement, and by January, the Belgian labour minister Peter Vanvelthoven stepped in and sent a mediator to reconcile differences between the two sides.

In March, Audi announced that it would take over management control of the facility and cut labour costs by 20%. Workers agreed to increase weekly working hours from 35 to 38 without a corresponding pay hike in exchange for guaranteed jobs for 2,200 workers until the end of 2010.

With the launch of the A3 five-door hatchback last week (and waving Brussels own colours, no less) Audi is showing that it keeps its promises. The plant will assemble 84,000 A3s and some Volkswagen units this year, though eventually A3 production should rise to around 100,000 units a year.

Megan Lampinen, editorialboard@automotiveworld.com>

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The V8 powered, 414 horsepower producing, Audi RS4 is now out of production. The car was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in 2005.

The Audi RS4 is being phased out to make room for the upcoming Audi RS6, which is expected to be unveiled at the Frankfurt Auto Show this September.

The Audi RS6 is expected to use a 5.2 liter V10 engine producing some 500+ horsepower, putting it in line to compete with rivals such as the BMW M5 and the Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG.

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  • voinea changed the title to Noutati VAG ( Volkswagen,Audi,Seat,Skoda,Porsche etc.)
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