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  • 5 months later...

Skoda Octavia RS+Line 1,9 TDI 105 CP - Din nou oropsitii rom

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Pe Tour exista pachetul Sport care ar corespunde la RS Line-ul respectiv dar la OI. Probabil se va introduce si pt O II ceva similar.

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Si ca sa vezi cum se potrivesc lucrurile.

Iau si eu masina si ... mai apare un RS in oras identic cu al meu la o prima privire.

Trece un timp - 1 saptamina, dupa care ma trezesc cu el parcat taman in spatele masini mele asa ca incep sa il bag in seama:

bara fata - OK

inscriptionare RS fata/spate - OK da cu ceva rezerve - era putin diferit de ce aveam eu

jante - OK

etriere verzi - ??????

volan 3 spite - OK

scaune piele - ??????????

eleron - OK

evacuare ?????????

ce o fi asta ??!!??

Vine proprietarul si da o cheie ....troc troc trco ..... nu exagerez da asa se auzea si ma gindeam ca o fi mai veche si .......... de unde si zgomotul. Bat in geam si il intreb din ce an e masina --- 2006, da e TDI cu pachetul SPORT :D

Daca nu venea tipu` ramineam cu o intrebare in plus :hainoroc:.

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Interesant... Deja avem Golf si Leon, o sa apara cat de curand si ScIROCco. De aceea, stau si ma intreb: unde ar mai avea loc, in grupul VAG, un hatch compact de la Skoda? Caci impresia mea este ca despre asa ceva e vorba. Sau este vorba doar de un studiu de design cu care cei de la Skoda vor sa fie cat mai vizibili la Salonul Auto de la Paris?

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Volkswagen bought Skoda in 1991 the Czech manufacturer was building around 172,000 vehicles per year, of which 74% were sold domestically. Last year Skoda built almost 495,000 vehicles. However, the company's growth has stagnated in recent years, a fact illustrated by its relatively flat output since 2000:

2005: 494,127; 2004: 443,868; 2003: 437,554; 2002: 442,469; 2001: 461,034; 2000: 491,418

But according to remarks made in the past week by board member Martin Jahn, the Czech manufacturer is now planning to increase its output of vehicles to around 1m upa by 2015 at the latest. So, how does it plan to achieve that goal?

Skoda has traditionally offered a limited core model lineup, which until recently was made up of just the Fabia, Octavia and Superb models. As a result, the company has not been able to boost output beyond the 500,000upa mark. However, that is about to change.

In March 2006 Skoda commenced production of the all-new Roomster Compact MPV at its Kvasiny plant in the Czech Reublic.

According to Glenn Brooks ,author of Automotive World’s latest report, 'Global OEM forward model programmes, forecasts to 2016' the company will launch production of another all-new model, the Yeti SUV, in 2009. In addition, 2007 and 2008 will see the launch of the next generation Fabia and Superb models, respectively.

The Czech manufacturer is also stepping up its plans for India and China, the two fastest growing automotive markets on the planet. In China, Skoda plans to start building the Octavia, Fabia and Superb models at the Volkswagen Shanghai plant, starting in 2007, while in India, where the company already operates a small factory in western Maharashtra state, the company is looking to boost exports and increase its local sales by up to 40%.

Skoda had a record year in 2005, raising global unit sales by 9% year-on-year to 492,111 cars, boosting production by 11% and more than doubling gross profits to US$330m. The company produced 291,739 cars in the first half this year, which means it is on course for its biggest ever year in terms of production. It's going to be interesting to see whether it can sustain that growth in order to achieve its ambitious 2015 target.

Gareth Owen Davies, Editor in chief automotiveworld.com

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Superba masina ! As face oricand schimb cu Fabiuta mea :icon_redface:

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Foarte frumos joysteru. Am vazut ca au schimbat si culoarea de la sigla skoda.

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Oare Skoda testeaza cu Joyster terenul pentru un viitor hatchback compact cu care sa lanseze cea de-a treia generatie Octavia?

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Cam asa ma gandesc si eu …

Un al treilea hatchback pe aceeasi platforma (al patrulea daca socotim si A3) si-ar putea gasi un loc pe piata daca e foarte bine gandit dpdv al grupului tinta, pentru ca altfel ar insemna numai cheltuieli suplimentare.

Deja Golful si Leonul isi impart publicul tanar, care frecvent oscileaza ca preferinte intre cele 2 modele, lucru observat direct si de mine.

Pare mai logica testarea terenului pentru “cea de-a treia generatie Octavia”.

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Vreau sa adaug ca acum in europa este o adevarat moda sa-ti cumperi un hot hatchback. Am vazut f multe vara asta. Sunt considerate masini de oras, pentru afara au altele (cine isi permite).

Eu zic ca e loc destul. Iar daca se tin de design-ul asta va intrece seatul la acest capitol. Eu intodeauna i-am urat pe cehi ca au facut niste masini asa bune :pale: :D .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nu imi place stalpul ala gros (de la portiera soferului). Cum sunt eu inalt si dau scaunul in spate la greu ajung cu capul in dreptul lui... In rest masina arata pe afara bine. (nici nu ma incanta nici nu ma oripileaza).

Edited by MOTANUL
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daca ultimul post chiar contine versiunea finala de fabia 2 ... ma declar nemultumit de design, arata nasol (Roomster are farmecul lui aparte), oare doar o copie dupa Suzuki Swift le putea veni in cap designerilor de la skoda :( ?! Poate vanzarile VW ar fi avut de suferit (ptr noul polo) daca scoteau o fabia mai atractiva (si la un pret mai mic) ...

cine naiba stie ce o fi in capul lor, sa vedem ce va fi : de la dealeri am inteles ca pe la vara lui 2007 vom putea cumpara noul model, in primavara se lanseaza ..

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Draguta partea din fata cu "pleoapele" alea. O idee interesanta si pt Roomsteri :Driver:

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eu zic ca o sa arate bine in realitate... parerea mea :Driver:

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Mie mi se pare ca intre stalpi si plafon exista o discontinuitate, parca ar fi un capac. Nu pare a fi dintr-o bucata ca la modelul vechi. E prea plat plafonul.

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