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Hot Stuff-Exhaust Wrapping

This actually is a critical part of our heater effort, but was done while the motor is out, so it lands here.

Exhaust wrapping is fiberglass-mesh webbing, approximately 3 millimeters thick, and about 6 centimeters wide. It is applied by moistening the mesh, then wrapping the exhaust spiral fashion. The webbing hardens into a chrysalis around the pipes.

Its purpose is twofold. First, to insulate the exhaust tubing so the waste gasses do not cool immediately after leaving the heads, thus maintaining their velocity. This is important. If the exhaust cools suddenly on leaving the heads, it slows down, making the motor work harder to push it out the exahust tubing, muffler, and tailpipe. Don't forget, it is the force of your piston that has to do the job of pushing that exhaust out, wasting horsepower.

Second, the insulation prevents the glowing HOT exhaust tubes from radiating tremendous heat (infrared) to the heads. we forget about this IR heat sometimes, but if you turn your motor off after a hard run ahd put your hand near your bare exhaust, you will feel the tremendous toasting action. All of this IR would normally bake the lower portion of the heads as they are trying to stay cool. Counter productive.

Finally, you want the exhaust to stay hot for another reason though: namely more available heat in your heat exchangers. As an added benefit you get cleaner emissions. The emissions decrease is due to the hotter temperatures "afterburning" unburned exhaust/fuel products. VW's afterburner pipe was for this reason, but the original insulation never lasts more than a few years. This product more than adaquately replaces that afterburning effect. Most importantly, though, all of that heat is now available for release INSIDE your heat exchanger, driving the heated-air temperatures through the roof.

The product works so well you can grab your exhaust system with an ungloved hand even straight away after highway travel. This serves no real purpose, and is not even handy enough to be an entertaining party gag, but it is interesting nonetheless. The total increase in temperatures in our heat exchangers would be hard to codify but our heat works better than many water-cooled vehicles, and I know this product was key to acheiving this.

I seem to recall the name of the product is "RaceTec" or "J-tech". You can find it at Hot Rod shops for about $35 a roll. They will look at you as if you are crazy when you tell them you want it for your VW Bus.

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