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Activare HHC ( Hill Hold Control ) 1. 03- ABS Brakes 2. Coding-07 Long Coding Se modifica valoarea Byte 25 din 20->23 ___________________________________________ Modificare logo Skoda 1. 17- Instruments 2. STG Adaptation -> function 10 APK Displaydarstellung -> Varianta 1 Skodalogo -> Varinata 2 Skodalogo -> Varianta 3 Skoda V/RS Logo _________________________________________ Activare TPM ( Tyre pressure monitor - monitorizare presiune roti) 1. 03 ABS Brakes 2. STG Adaptation -> function 10 3. Choose Tire pressure monitoring display 4. verified Store value is 2 5. the same value stored is on Tire pressure monitoring display;tire selection ATENTIE ! In Long Coding: the latest 3 Bytes on my side was 004002 and I changed with 70C002 To see the menu in bolero : ( vizualizare meniu in Bolero) 1. 5F Information 2. STG Adaptation -> function 10 3. Choose (13) - Vehicle function list BAP-tire_pressure_system_0x07 4. Set value to active verified if (14)-Vehicle function list BAB-tire_pressure_system_0x07_msg_bus have value: Suspension data bus 1. 5F Information 2. STG Adaptation -> function 10 3. Choose (56)-Vehicle menu operation-menu_display_rdk 4. Set value to active verified if this option is actiated: (58)- Vehicle menu operation-menu_display_rdk_over_threshold_high 1. 17 Instruments 2. STG Long Coding -> function 7 3. Byte 04 4. Enable bit 0 -> Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System(TPMS) instaled. __________________________________________ Activare memorie pentru scaune incalzite 1. Controller 08 - HVAC 2. 10 - Adaptation Choose 'Retention of passenger's seat heater level' Change to 'active' (the setting it was on when the ignition was turned off will remain next time you start the car) or 'active for 10 minutes' (if you return to the car within 10 minutes the seat heater level will be retained). Pentru scaunul pasagerului Do the same for 'Retention of driver's seat heater level' __________________________________________ Dezactivare centura de siguranta / Disable Seatbelt Warning 1. Go into [17] Instruments 2. Adaptation Channels -> function 10 Select disable seatbelt warning (Gurtwarner deaktivieren) change to "yes" (default: none) __________________________________________ Coborare oglinda pasager la mersul inapoi/Passenger mirror dip on reverse 1. Select STG 52 (Türelektr. Pass.) 2. Long STG coding -> function 07 Byte 04 Enable bit 2 Enable bit 3 3. Select STG 09 (wiring) 4. STG access permissions -> Function 16 Enter Unlock Code 31347 5. STG adjustment -> function 10 (15) Select Access control 2 Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt auswählen Set value to active (active) Additionally possible: Hide menu item in Radio-/Navigationssystem, so you are even viable in the future to enable the feature on or off (20) Select Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung auswählen Set value to active (active) ______________________________________________ Activare staging / Enable Needle Sweep / Staging 1. Go into [17] Instrument 2. Coding -> Function 10 Byte 1 Enable Bit 0 ______________________________________________ Activare laptimer 1. STG 17 (Schalttafeleinsatz) auswählen 2. STG Lange Codierung -> Funktion 07 Byte 1 Bit 3 aktivieren _____________________________________________ Numar de semnalizari confort / Adjust Comfort Turn Signals 1. Go into [09] Central electronic 2. Go to Security Access and enter 31347 3. Go into Adaptation Select (2) - Turn Signal Controls-Komfortblinken Blinkzykien Type 5 in New Value (Default is 3) ______________________________________________ Afisare pe maxidot cu cati l trebuie sa alimentezi / Display Gallons Consumed 1. Go into [17] Instruments 2. Long Coding - (Function 07) Go to Byte 10 Enable bit 4 __________________________________________ Activare RainClosing / Automatic rain closing 1. Go into [09] Central Electronics 2. Go into Secuity Access and enter 31347 3. Go to adaptation channels and set the following: - (15) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_ein aus (Rain Closing on / off) - Select Active - (16) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_art (Rain closing Type) set to Permanent - (28) Access Control 2 - Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen (Menu Control Rain close) – Set to Active (enables the menu in the ifotainment screen) ATENTIE ! Mai trebuie codat senzorul RFLS ( din fabrica are valoarea 02805D ) - se modifica cu 06885D __________________________________________ Marire interval activare spalare faruri / To extend the interval cycles that the headlight washers will activate to a) prevent the front of your clean car being sprayed, and b) to reduce the amount of screen wash usage. 1. Go to [09] Central Electronics 2. STG access permissions -> Function 16 3. Enter access code 31347 4. Go to adaptation channels (Function 10) 5. Select channel 1 - Select "Number of operations front windsceen wiper washer per SRA activation" (in German - Frontscheibenwischer Anzahl Betätigungen Frontwaschanlage pro SRA Aktivierung auswählen) 6. Adjust value to preference (no of times you can operate the windscreen washer stalk before the headlight washer activate). 7. Select channel 3, and adjust the activate time for folding the switch to enable headlight washers in the first place. __________________________________________ Activare / dezactivare DLR din Bolero 1. Go to [09] Central Electronics 2. STG access permissions -> Function 16 3. Enter access code 31347 4. Go to adaptation channels (Function 10) Selectati canalul (2) Tagfahrlicht- Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge möglich auswählen Selectati ACTIV __________________________________________ Mod scoala de soferi / Driving school mode 1. STG 5F (Infotainment) auswählen 2. STG Anpassung -> Funktion 10 Kanal (11)- Fahrzeug Funktionsliste CAN-driving school auswählen Wert auf verfügbar anpassen Kanal (171)- Fahrzeug Menü Bedienung - menu_display_driving_school auswählen Wert auf aktiviert setzen Kanal (173)- Fahrzeug Menü Bedienung - menu_display_driving_school_over_threshold_high auswählen Wert auf aktiviert setzen __________________________________________ Activare al doilea stop de ceata 1. 09 - Central Electric 2. 16 - Security Access - enter 31347 3. 10 - Adaptations - inainte de modificare (4)-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion A 26 - Nebelschlusslicht wenn kein Anhaenger gesteckt und Rechtsverkehr (4)-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion A 27 - Nebelschlusslicht wenn kein Anhaenger gesteckt und Linksverkehr - dupa modificare (4)-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion A 26 - Nebelschlusslicht wenn kein Anhaenger gesteckt (4)-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion A 27 - Nebelschlusslicht wenn kein Anhaenger gesteckt __________________________________________ Afisare viteza ventilator pe auto / Blower Status Display in AUTO 1. STG 08 (Klima) auswählen 2. STG Lange Codierung -> Funktion 07 Byte 11 Bit 6 - Blower Status Display in AUTO-mode active aktivieren
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- vcds octavia 3
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